We Win When You Do, Since 1983

Whitaker Companies Anniversary



We Win When You Do, Since 1983



We know that building and maintaining trust is just as important as performance to our clients and our reputation.  This is why working together to build a lasting and productive relationship is important to every team member at Whitaker. We know that in order for us to achieve our goals, our clients and candidates must first achieve theirs. The end result continues to be long-term effective staffing solutions.

This is what we mean when we say “we win when you do.”


A look back at 1983 :

  • Minimum wage: $3.35
  • Gallon of gas: $1.20
  • Annual Average Domestic Crude Oil Prices (in $/Barrel): $29.08
  • The FCC authorizes Motorola to begin testing cellular phone service in Chicago.
  • Time Magazine Cover Article: The Computer, Machine of the Year (Jan. 3, 1983)
  • The Internet takes another step towards its creation as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) is moved to TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol).
  • Microsoft Word is first released.
  • Apple released the Lisa computer on January 19, 1983, the first commercial computer with a GUI.
  • Bjarne Stroustrup released the C++ programming language.
  • Fred Cohen in 1983 coined the term virus in a 1984 research paper as “a computer program that can affect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a (possibly evolved) copy of itself.”


We Win When You Do, Since 1983 1

Week Year
Computer Programmer $472 $24,544
Computer Systems Analyst $526 $27,352
Chemical Engineer $625 $32,500
Electrical Engineer $608 $31,616
Industrial Engineer $538 $27,976
Mechanical Engineer $600 $31,200





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