Texas Louisiana OATUG Education & Networking Event

Texas Louisiana Oatug Education &Amp; Networking Event 1


Texas Louisiana OATUG annual Education & Networking Event

Thursday, October 24th from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Houston, TX
Sponsored by Whitaker IT



Learn and network with other Oracle users from the Houston community and industry professionals from around the country.

Register online 

Norris Conference Centers – Houston/Westchase
9990 Richmond Ave, Suite 102,
Houston, TX 77042



Visit Texas Louisiana OAUG website for more details: http://tloaug.communities.oaug.org/

Our Mission is to –

  • To enable Oracle Applications/Technology users throughout the Texas and Louisiana area to accumulate, and share, information and experiences with each other and the local Oracle office.
  • To collaborate with a similar startup group covering Oklahoma & Arkansas.
  • To share information related to the use and future direction of Oracle Applications with Product Managers at Oracle headquarters. This will enable Oracle to implement suggestions in their future releases of the product.

We try to facilitate a venue for local users to exchange new ideas and knowledge in the area of Oracle Application specific issues.

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