Elevate Your Job Search: Techniques To Stand Out In A Noisy Marketplace

Elevate Your Job Search



Job search has changed, interviews have changed, resumes have changed – in the last year, everything we once knew has flipped on its head.

You already have the tools to manage a successful career transition, so now let’s talk about how to create a competitive advantage in your job search by capitalizing on your strengths and using a well-planned strategy. What are the new expectations for interviews, resumes, and online presence (social media profiles, ie LinkedIn)?  What helps professionals stand out amongst other candidates?


TREAT YOUR JOB SEARCH LIKE A PROJECT – Set goals, review your resources and plan, take action, and review progress and make necessary changes


RESUME BEST PRACTICES – “Do I have a strong resume?”

  • Focus on your Accomplishments and Areas of Expertise – list how you saved money, made money or minimized risk and use keywords
  • Make sure your resume and LinkedIn profile match.
  • Target your resume for the role you’re applying for, and make it’s ATS friendly
  • Attention to detail – check for spelling and grammar issues, and have someone proofread


INTERVIEWS TIPS – “Am I Prepared for the Interview?”

  • Do your research on the company and the profiles of the people you are interviewing with
  • Develop & practice your elevator pitch (tell me about yourself)
  • Practice your responses to common interview questions. Use the STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result) method where appropriate
  • Prepare 2-3 questions to ask in the interview & write them down in advance
  • Show interest, if you want the job, tell them so and ask for next steps

Additional interview tips can be found in our Career Transition Resources


SOCIAL & ONLINE PRESENCE – “Am I easy to find? Is this the best first impression?”

  • Expand your network. Connect with colleagues & vendors (past and present)
  • Make a list of your target companies and follow them on LinkedIn and make another list of connections that work at your target companies
  • Share and/or Like articles related to your field
  • Watch that what you post is positive and that what you post adds value
  • Join and attend networking groups in related field


It’s a noisy job market for top professionals. If you are wanting career assistance, or need a second opinion on your resume, social media profiles or job search techniques, reach out to us and let us know how we can help!


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