Attracting In-Demand IT Talent to the Public Sector

Attracting In-Demand IT Talent to the Public Sector

Presented by Kristen Gaustad & Linda Ranostaj at the Texas Association of State Systems for Computing and Communications (TASSCC) 2013 Annual Conference.

How to attract potential employees from various levels of experience to the public sector, eliminate recurring IT hiring mistakes and retain current IT employees.

With an upturn in the economy, job opportunities are more abundant.  Managers are now more frequently being surprised by employees announcing “I quit.”  Clearly we must treat every employee as a critical resource. Now more than ever, we need to take a hard look at how to retain the employees you already have, and how to find and hire the best talent in today’s marketplace.  Learn helpful tips on attracting potential employees from various levels of experience to the public sector, eliminating recurring IT hiring mistakes, and retaining current IT employees.  Join for an interactive discussion and trivia on these common problems that affect many IT management and executives in the public sector.

Download full presentation by Kristen Gaustad & Linda Ranostaj.


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