July 2015: Building a Better Project Team

Building A Better Project Team_Whitaker It July Newsletter

As competition strengthens for quality IT professionals, clients frequently ask our advice on differentiating strategies to attract employees over their competitors. Often, our answer revolves around communicating standard benefits, company culture, exciting new technologies, and fun extra perks (think dress code, game rooms, etc). However, it’s becoming more evident that managers should take an extra step in order to build a better project team….attitude and expectations.

These three articles included below offer insight into advice provided by IT leaders on attracting, building, managing and retaining a better project team. Enjoy!

How to Find, Inspire and Keep Your Best Workers

In an increasingly challenging job market, five IT leaders give their best practice tips on recruiting staff, developing talent, and retaining the best technology professionals. Read full article

5 Team-Building Tips for IT

IT talent can be hard to find and even harder to keep – which means there’s plenty of incentive to make the workplace attractive to technology pros. Culture is paramount, and focusing on organizational development can lead to more satisfied and productive workers. Read full article

11 Project Management Tips for Setting and Managing Expectations

Project management experts discuss the best ways to set, manage and adjust expectations to ensure that projects don’t veer off course — and they suggest what steps project managers should take if they do. Read full article


Security Corner:

A study on U.S. mobile security shows that Millennials — many of whom are now joining the workforce — hold the greatest risk to data security over other age groups. Shorter-tenure and younger respondents tend to have lower expectations of their own responsibility… Read full article



Upcoming Events:

Houston Energy Data Science

July 16th Meeting: Explore the latest breakthroughs in database technology and the business drivers behind them, including a focus on the challenges faced today in the Oil & Gas industry. More info/event website 

TASSCC Annual Conference Sponsored by Whitaker IT

Texas Association of State Systems for Computing and Communications. One of the best and most affordable opportunities for learning and sharing in Texas, focused on the unique opportunities and problems faced in delivering services to citizens. August 2015. More info/event website


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Why Candidate Experience Matters

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