In this era of technology, automated systems and information overload at a single touch, has true customer service been lost? How do we attach customer success to our company’s customer service model?
As in most of the past year polls, Amazon once again tops the list closely followed by Apple, FedEx and UPS. So what sets these organizations at the top of their industries?
Amazon’s policy of customer satisfaction; “no stress – no mess” refunds or replacement continues to expand and grow their customer base. Apple added their “Genius Bar” to stores, giving them an added customer touch point. UPS and FedEx track their packages along the journey, allowing customers continued access. Any hiccup in their journey is followed up on by a customer agent.
Another growing regional company for those of us in the south is Sewall Cadillac. In business since 1911, their mantra of “Customers for Life,” echoes the sentiments of outstanding customer service translating into multi-generations of continued business. The recruiting industry, in which we compete, is no different. Loyal clients’ and candidates’ mark successful firms and recruiters, from those less focused on the overall experience. We strive for exceptional customer service here at Whitaker. Like all the top companies, we are always open to feedback. Love to hear what we do well and what may need adjustment. Feel free to reply anytime. Whatever the business or industry, we can all benefit from a retrace on the current trends that set top organizations apart from the rest. The Forbes article, from Shep Hyken discusses the Top CX Trends in 2017.
Karen Walding-Zuntych, Manager Business Development, Whitaker Technical
What can leadership do to ensure they stay up, stay competitive and stay relevant? Pay close attention to what’s trending in the world of customer service and CX. Here are 10 trends you shouldn’t ignore. There’s something here that will impact every type of business.