How to Maximize Remote Workforce to Maintain Productivity

Whitaker It - Maximize Remote Workforce



This is not another COVID-19 email message that we are all getting these days…. This is our standard monthly newsletter about moving business forward and maintaining productivity. Enough with doom and gloom, how about we focus on making the best of our temporary reality?

“The show must go on” and so do our work responsibilities. While this shift to remote work may not be a major transition for some organizations, we recognize that for others, staying secure and productive during this critical time can be a challenge. Whitaker started offering remote work opportunities a few years ago to certain positions. Being successful in rolling out and navigating the transition of a partially remote workforce, here’s our advice on how to maximize this new work arrangement to maintain productivity:

Team leads (management positions):

  1. Plan and schedule your day as though you are in the company office with meetings, project reviews, etc.
  2. Communicate! It’s easy to feel like you’re on your own island, so to combat this feeling keep the communication channels open.
  3. Establish a video platform for your team. Video updates, progress reports and project reviews can be just as good as face to face and far superior to audio.

Team members:

  1. Designate your work space away from distractions (TV, family, pets, etc.) and discuss boundaries with those at home with you.
  2. Keep your office (home) hours! It can be easy to lose track of your routine, but experts recommend keeping the same routine as if you are working in the office to keep your “normal” mindset.
  3. Test connections and login prior to transitioning home! This is the most obvious piece of advice, but some will assume everything will be up to speed. VPN, WIFI speed, phone, etc. all should be fully tested to determine if it can take the increased activity.


“Tough times don’t last, tough people do.” Robert H. Schuller. We are talking daily with IT Managers and Directors and understand the severity and time-sensitive tasks you face. How can Whitaker help you?



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