December 2014: IT Career Development

According to, 47% of Americans’ New Year’s resolutions involve some type of self improvement or are education related, however only 8% of Americans are successful in achieving their resolution(s). In honor of the pending New Year, I thought it was fitting to look at how to develop a stronger career and shift focus on the factors that can improve career planning and development, making for a better 2015.

Below are two articles to help jump start positing thinking towards creating a stronger and more rewarding IT career.

IT Career Development: Bulletproof Your IT Career
There are two battle-tested schools of career development (1) invest in constant growth and development, and (2) make yourself indispensable to an organization in any of a variety of positions. To truly bulletproof your IT career, you need to commit to both schools simultaneously. Here’s a look at how to do so while enjoying the here and now, and not simply projecting into the future. Read more

Who’s In Charge Of Career Planning? You
Who is responsible for developing a person’s career? According to a recent survey, there is disagreement about whether it should be the responsibility of an individual or an employer. Read more


Security Corner: 

This is a great time to consider a new career as a cybersecurity professional. According to CIO magazine, experts in cybersecurity are among the most sought-after professionals in the tech sector, with demand for workers in that field outpacing other IT jobs by a wide margin.  Read more



Upcoming Events:

TASSCC State of the State

Texas Association of State Systems for Computing and Communications State of the State Conference in Austin, TX December 12th brings together technology directors from Texas state agencies and institutions of higher education to discuss the strategic direction of technology in Texas with a focus on national and state trends in technology and e-Government.


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Why Candidate Experience Matters

It’s not just about the offer – it’s about the journey. When you make the journey exceptional, the best talent will choose to walk it with you. A positive candidate experience doesn’t just help you stand out; it positions you as an employer of choice, making it more likely for top-tier talent to choose your offer over others.

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Is Job Hopping Hurting or Helping Your IT Career

    Is Job Hopping Hurting or Helping Your IT Career?   In the past, job hopping (the practice of changing jobs frequently) was often seen as a negative thing, as it was seen as a sign of instability and a lack of loyalty. However,...

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