Ready to Make a Great Hire

Whitaker_Make A Great Hire

Ready to make a great hire?

Competition for top talent is fierce, and with the abundant resources and information available to candidates online (think Glassdoor, LinkedIn, etc), companies must carefully craft their talent acquisition strategies to involve an overall “candidate experience”.

“People who are satisfied with their candidate experiences are 38 percent more likely to accept a job offer” (IBM, The Far-Reaching Impact of Candidate Experience, 2017)

” 82 percent of hiring managers say they view the candidate experience as very or extremely important” (CareerBuilder, Candidate Experience from End-to-End, 2017)

Empower the manager/director to make the candidate experience a good one; know how to do these things first:

1. Sell your company

• What are 3-4 things that would make top talent want to join this company?
• What are 3-4 things about this group of people or department that will make someone want to come work here?

2. Sell the opportunity and potential growth

• How does this position add value to the business?
• What will this person learn, what will this person do and what will this person become?
• Current and future projects this person would be involved in?

3. Talk about benefit perks

• Understand the importance of making a connection with the candidate. (If there are delays in the process or unexpected situations happen, you could contact the candidate directly if needed.)


Additional tips to improve your candidate experience:

4. Company reputation: would you want to work for your company, your department or group?

• What do people say about working for your company?  “About half (48%) of recent job candidates have had some manner of relationship or interaction with the hiring organization before applying” (IBM, The Far-Reaching Impact of Candidate Experience, 2017).
• What message/vision/mission is portrayed on social media?
• Are there any company reviews or accolades that you might need to address if brought up in the interview process?

5. Time: how long does it take from the initial interview to identify which candidate is the best addition for your team?

• Communicate the next steps whether it’s additional interviews or to expect an offer and maintain communication with the candidate to strengthen your connection.
• Don’t wait around for the candidate to receive other offers or lose interest in your company because time lapsed and created doubt in the candidate’s mind.

6. First 30 days: does a new employee feel welcomed and part of the team, how often does a manager or team lead have one-on-one conversations with the employee?

• Make new employees feel welcome and part of a team through team building meetings or exercises
• Designate a mentor or team lead to perform daily “check-ins” with new employees to answer questions, set goals, help ease transition and overall improve rapport.



As always, we’re here to assist you in crafting a top-notch candidate experience and can play a vital role in bringing you the top talent. Contact us today!


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