Don’t Neglect Your Professional Goals for 2022

Whitaker - 2022 Career Goals

Don’t Neglect Your Professional Goals

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky

New Year’s resolutions aren’t just for personal goals!  Your team, department, career or professional development can also benefit from setting a few goals.

If you are like me, this time of year I find myself reflecting on what I accomplished throughout the year (personal and professional), what I meant to achieve but fell short of, and what I want to focus on for the new year. Motivated to set new goals, I challenge myself to pursue growth opportunities, but can be left wondering “what’s the best plan to accomplish my objectives?”

No matter what your goal is — you want to attract top talent / decrease turnover, bring new technology into your office / learn a new skill, etc. — it’s important to take the right approach. A good plan can make the difference in whether or not you achieve your goals.

Your career goals should be:

Actionable – Identify where you are in your career and where you want to be. Then think about what you can do to achieve your goal.

Measurable – Clearly outline want you want to achieve and identify a metric that would clearly measure success or progress towards goal.

Realistic – Set yourself up for success! The idea is to be able to achieve the goals you set. You should be able to visualize how you will complete them.

Still not sure how to get started on setting your career goals for 2022? Ask your mentor, boss, trusted colleagues what goals they have set and achieved in the past, or what recommendations they might have for you!


Here are a few helpful articles to help create your road map to setting and achieving goals in 2022:

How to Set Professional Goals and Plan Out Your Career
When goal setting for your career take the initiative and try to set yourself realistic and measurable targets as you plan out your professional future.

How To Set Effective New Year’s Goals For 2022
As you set big goals for next year, make a solid plan so they become a reality. Increase your success with these tips on setting effective goals the right way.

Goal Setting for 2022: Are You Ready to Tackle the One-Word Challenge?
Focusing on a single intention for the new year can be helpful for leaders pulled in many directions.


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