Four Ways Your Interview Process Can Increase Your Hiring Power

Your Interview Process Can Increase Your Hiring Power


Your Interview Process Can Increase Your Hiring Power

Do you have a 2020 mindset in 2022? Good candidates are not “a dime a dozen” so to be competitive in today’s talent market companies need to communicate often, move quickly, and treat candidates’ time with respect.

Companies have the opportunity to create a competitive advantage with a solid talent acquisition strategy:

Speed makes a big difference
If it’s a great candidate, move quickly, don’t let them get away (and don’t give them time to go interview with your competitors).  Companies are pressured now more than ever to make significant hiring decisions much faster than in the past.  As competitive as the job market currently is, there is almost no time for delays in the interview process. If they are truly talented, they’re getting approached by companies on a regular basis.

Create a positive candidate experience
Do you have your hiring act together? Is the interview team all on the same page? Are they prepared to impress a star candidate?  For a top candidate – who is talking to multiple companies – the client who has a smooth, seamless, and upbeat interview process will make the best impression. That’s often a difference maker.  Put your best foot forward, sell your company, sell the opportunity, and let people know it!

Keep the number of interviews to a minimum (use Google’s Rule of Four)
Technical professionals are in high demand. A lengthy interview process can create stress, anxiety and doubt for candidates. Data collected from Google’s interviews indicated that 95% of the time, panels of just four interviewers made the same hiring decision as panels of more than four interviewers. That’s how the Rule of Four came it be, and it has significantly reduced the average time-to-hire by about two weeks, saving employees “hundreds of hours in interviewing time,” according to Google.

Communicate clearly and often
“There needs to be a focus on attentiveness and improved communications throughout every stage of the process is critical to ensure the candidate feels informed,” Indeed said. “Being transparent, empathetic and authentic can go a long way in building more comfort and trust into your relationship with the candidate.”


Want to know more about how you can improve your interview process? Let’s schedule a brief call so you can achieve your staffing goals quickly and efficiently and learn more about how we can help you attract and retain their top IT and Engineering talent.

Connect with us on LinkedIn:           Whitaker IT                                      Whitaker Technical


Additional resources:

11 Effective Strategies for Building a Positive Candidate Experience (
If a company wants to get the cream of the crop, they need to invest in creating a positive experience for applicants.

How Many Interviews Are Too Many? (
Finding the right fit is important, but so is being respectful of candidates’ time.

3 Golden Strategies to Attract Top Talent in an Ultra-Competitive Job Market ( 
If you’re a hiring manager in fields like tech or biotech, you’re facing the most competitive talent market in at least a quarter-century.





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