Recent polls of IT leaders forecasting for 2016 show that 24% list “attracting new talent” as a top priority. Complicating this business objective is the shortage of IT talent and increasing attrition rates. So if you are one of the IT leaders planning to grow your department in the new year, here are three helpful articles in recruiting top IT talent.
Happy Holidays and Happy Hiring!
10 hottest tech skills for 2016
Gunning for a banner year in IT? Make sure you have these skills in your toolbox. The results of Computerworld’s Forecast 2016 survey suggest there will stiff competition for top talent for those with plans to increase head count in the upcoming year, a significant jump from last year. Read full article
November 2015: Turnover Remains High in Tech
Attrition is a costly problem for businesses. When tech professionals leave, the cost of finding, hiring and training team members can deeply impact a business’ bottom line. Attrition has been a top-of-mind problem especially in the tech industry, where the turnover has been rising every year since 2012. Read full article
Security Corner:
The talent gap is a global problem. In the U.S. alone in 2014, companies posted 49,493 jobs that require Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification, a major cybersecurity qualification. However, only 65,362 people are CISSP certified in total, and most of them already have jobs…Read full article
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