October 2014: Cyber Security

With recent headlines of security breaches it’s no wonder that cyber security is such a high-priority issue to which private and public sector companies have been called upon by the White House to work together to help secure the country’s cyber network.

Articles are published daily addressing new concerns and exploiting our country’s vulnerability, however, here are two articles we find relatively important regarding the impact to the workplace.

The CSO of the Future

What does the future hold for enterprise security? What will programs, roles, technologies and policies look like in five years or so? Prognosticating can be tricky, especially in such a fast-changing digital environment. But part of the security executive’s job is to not only keep up with the latest developments, but also to anticipate what might come next so companies can prepare to handle challenges.  Read full article

How Companies Can Rebuild Trust After A Security Breach

“It’s not a question of if you will be hacked, but when,” says cybersecurity expert Joe Adams. This is bad news for companies, not only because of security risks, but also because data breaches have a significant and measurable impact on customers’ trust and spending habits. Read full article


Security Corner:

“Enterprises that embrace mobile computing and BYOD strategies are vulnerable to security breaches unless they adopt methods and technologies for mobile application security testing and risk assurance.” Dionisio Zumerle, Principal Research Analyst at Gartner. Read full article



Upcoming Events:

Executive Women in Texas Government (EWTG)

28th Annual Professional Development Conference in San Marcos, Tx November 23rd – 24th. Whitaker’s own Linda Ranostaj will be presenting “Take a deep dive into interviewing-covering both sides of the desk for the interviewee and interviewer”.



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Is Job Hopping Hurting or Helping Your IT Career

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Why Busy Managers Still Need to Prep for Interviews

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Ghosting in the Interview Process

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