September 2014: IT Staffing Trends

As we gear up for a new school year, we are noticing new trends for IT staffing and in fact, Staffing in general has experienced changes shifting the demand from contract to direct-hire employees. Leaders are predicting new paths for IT professionals, new roles emerging from recent industry changes, and opportunities are opening up due to more workers voluntarily leaving for new jobs.

It’s important to stay abreast of these changes to keep ahead of the competition. Here are a few articles worth reading:

3 Up and Coming IT Roles

Premier 100 IT Leader identifies two distinct paths for IT careers over the next several years: companies where IT is the product, and those that use IT to deliver some other product, with three distinct up and coming IT roles. Read full article

People voluntarily leaving jobs at highest rate since 2009 downturn

The percentage of Americans who are jumping ship voluntarily is hovering at its highest levels in the four-year recovery. Many see the shift as a sign of optimism for an economy that has sputtered its way through an on-again, off-again rebound from the demoralizing downturn of 2008-’09. Read full article


Security Corner:

Tim Erlin, Director of Security and Risk at Tripwire, argues that with many users unaware that their data is often copied to the cloud from their device, the recent iCloud “hacking” incident showcases an ongoing issue regarding the location and security of data stored on cloud services. Read full article



Upcoming Events:

Women in Technology International (WITI) Sponsored by Whitaker IT

Houston Chapter September meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 10th from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm. For more information

Houston TechFest Sponsored by Whitaker IT

Houston TechFest is an annual, one-day Internet and Technology based conference in Houston Texas, which is free and open to the public. Saturday, September 13th. For more information 


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Staff Blogging

Is Job Hopping Hurting or Helping Your IT Career

    Is Job Hopping Hurting or Helping Your IT Career?   In the past, job hopping (the practice of changing jobs frequently) was often seen as a negative thing, as it was seen as a sign of instability and a lack of loyalty. However,...

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Why Busy Managers Still Need to Prep for Interviews

          Been There, Done That? Why Busy Managers Still Need to Prep for Interviews   As a seasoned manager, you’ve likely conducted countless interviews, sifting through resumes, assessing candidates, and making...

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Ghosting in the Interview Process

    Ghosting in the Interview Process: A Haunting Reality for Both Sides   The world of recruitment is facing a chilling phenomenon: GHOSTING. Just like in dating, candidates and hiring managers alike are disappearing without a trace...

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